Ways of Preventing Intellectual Property Theft


These days, Intellectual property, or IP, is becoming an important driver of today’s economy. IP comes in the form of websites, blogs, software, and even logos. Since much of IP is locked up in the thoughts and ideas behind the website, software, or graphic, the final product is intangible. That means it isn’t possible to pick up IP and hold onto it with your hands.

That intangibility and the difficulty in pinpointing an owner are two factors that make IP theft so easy. Anyone with a mind to steal IP can often take what they want and alter it to make it their own. Here are three ways to stop this type of theft

Think Like a Thief

Thieves are constantly looking for ways to get into your databases and file storage. Ask yourself what you’d be looking for if you were a thief, and think like a hacker. What kind of software exploits could allow a hacker to get in? Are your employees’ passwords secure enough? These questions are just the tip of the iceberg. Talk to your information technology (IT) staff about applying their security protocols to your company’s intranet. Being proactive is the first line of defense against unwanted intrusions into your company’s IP.

Educate Your Employees

Just because you live in a digital era doesn’t mean everyone is computer literate. Some of your employees may log into their desktops every day without thinking beyond the computer that’s in front of them. However, they should follow the training you offer regarding which programs to use and which files they have permission to access. If you don’t educate employees on the dos and don’ts of file handling, they’re more likely to allow a breach or IP theft.

Have your IT department devise some common scenarios in which users make potentially damaging decisions, and then use those scenarios to train employees on appropriate security measures. When employees understand how they can make a mistake, they are far less likely to make that misstep again.

Protecting IP should be your company’s top priority, especially when a lot of research and development resources go into the effort. Letting a crucial file get out into the open can crash an entire project and even compromise your company’s integrity. Use these tips as part of a comprehensive strategy to keep IP safe and secure.

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